Transplanted to Mars, a Civil War vet discovers a lush planet inhabited by 12-foot tall barbarians. Finding himself a prisoner of these creatures, he escapes, only to encounter a princess who is in desperate need of a savior.Watch the trailer below.
John Carter is an upcoming American sci-fi film featuring the famous fictional character Captain John Carter.John Carter is inexplicably transported to Mars where he becomes part of a battle between the nations of the planet.Carter takes it upon himself to save Mars, known to it's inhabitants as Barsoom.Barsoom is a fictional representation of the planet Mars created by American author Edgar Rice Burroughs,best known as the creator of the Tarzan character.This film is based on 'A Princess of Mars', the first novel in the Barsoom series to feature John Carter.
Director: Andrew Stanton
Writers: Edgar Rice Burroughs (novel), Andrew Stanton (screenplay)
Cast: Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins,Willem Dafoe,Mark Strong
Tagline: Lost in Our World. Found in Another.
Production Company: Walt Disney Pictures
Genres: Action | Adventure | Fantasy | Sci-Fi
Country: USA
Language: English
Release Date: 9 March 2012 (USA)
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1 comments so far. What are your thoughts?
Looks like another great movie from Disney ... OMG I want one of those things.. What ever that animal thing is, it's super duper cute.. in an ugly way LOL
Thanks for sharing with us :)